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Representation in Menopause Conversations

Representation and inclusivity play a vital role in discussions about menopause. We at Ketura Woman believe that it's essential and that...

To The Menopause Tribe

As the world acknowledges menopause today and makes noise about it, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the women that have lived with...

My black menopause

People may ask and do ask why I go on about #myblackmenopause. I do so because it’s real and some people want to underplay it. Well, they...

Myths, Half-truths, and Old Wives Tales.

The shroud surrounding the topic of menopause has resulted in many myths, half-truths, and old wife’s tales. Many are still believed and...

So, what is this menopause?

Where menopause is concerned, my power statement is that knowledge is power and forewarned is forearmed. So many myths and disbeliefs...

Why I'm speaking up!

Hi there, Welcome to my blog where I talk all things menopause especially for black African women. Menopause, certainly, something not...

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