So indicators that I was menopausal came just a few months after I had a hesterectomy at age 39. It all started as “hot flushes” that came randomly. I literally would feel this intense heat coming from the inside, making me sweat profusely, mostly on the face. The “extra summers” chose times when I was in public spaces to embarrass me. This was a maturing symptom that I didn’t enjoy. I had no problem acknowledging my age save for these menopausal extra summers.
At one time, this flush came on fast at a lunch with the girls after I had had a glass of red wine. After it had died down I went on to enjoy the hot curry dish I had chosen and another hot flush came before I had had even four forks of this favourite tasty dish. A few of my girl-friends were already in their fifties ahead of me and on that day advised that I take note of triggers so I could avoid these uncomfortable moments if I could. I was advised to take herbal teas, especially calming ones like charmomile. I also invested in hand held fanes to cool myself down when they came. The sudden mood swings become frequent. I had to be deliberate in ensuring that I kept busy to avoid being alone in the low moments. At such times I would be cranky and snappy.
One of the worst symptoms were the sudden breakouts of pimples on my face. These pushed me to seek my gynecologist’s help and she advised that I take some hormone replacement medication. She prescribed femigel. I used it for a few years and somehow just weaned myself years later. The symptoms got better and are not so frequent but pop up here and there. The worst one though that I realised sometime after I turned 50 was the “menopausal pillow”. I realised I had this sagging skin just under my tummy that I don’t even remember when it came or where it came from. Added to this was the weight gain even when my eating habits have not really changed.
Embracing the new me has helped to boost confidence in the low moments. Looser styles of clothes have been a great moral booster. Dressing with a high waisted belt has been a definite life saver. So today I celebrate the new me, with all the extras that I had never imagined would come. I have also embraced a new healthier diet of predominantly fruit and vegetables. I enjoy a scone, slice of cake here and there but on the most, it’s absolutely necessary that I avoid processed foods and go for the whole grains.