My menopause journey started in my mid-30s. First, I would get some light hot flushes here and there, but I did not think much of it. Then, however, I started to get more symptoms. I was becoming very forgetful and had insomnia, night sweats, fatigue, and thinning hair…to name a few. I remember seeing the doctor and mentioning my symptoms and that I could not remember the last time I had a period. He told me it was normal not to have a period cause of the contraceptive pill, but he would do blood tests to check if all was well. I asked him to include a test to check for menopause, and he laughed and told me I was too young but would need a pregnancy test instead. I insisted, and he finally agreed.
I remember getting the call on my 39th birthday, and the nurse asked me if I was sitting down. The results were back; unfortunately, I was already in post-menopause. I asked if the GP was going to prescribe HRT and was told he would call if needed. Three months went by, and nothing. He did not even do a follow-up on the results. We went into lockdown, and by this time, it wasn't easy to get hold of the doctors due to covid. I started to order menopause supplements on Amazon. The symptoms were so bad, and I was desperate. I was suffering both physically and emotionally. I felt like my body had failed me. I had vaginal atrophy, and this made me lose confidence. I didn't feel pretty and attractive at all.
I didn't understand why this had happened to me or why I was going through this at my age. I didn't have anyone to talk to or ask questions to except the all-time favourite, Mr Google None of my friends understood what I was talking about because none of them had a clue what effects menopause had. I knew about it, but all I knew was your period stops, and you have hot flashes. I had no idea about all the other symptoms. My memory was so bad I honestly thought I had developed early dementia. I would go to work and struggle with day-to-day tasks.
I finally managed to get a doctor's appointment, and this time was lucky to be seen by a female GP. She expressed her disappointment that the other GP had failed to follow up and prescribe me HRT. She prescribed it for me, which worked for a little while, but the symptoms did not completely resolve, so the GP referred me to a gynaecologist. Gynae changed me from HRT to combined pill (back to contraception); it's been working alright, and I'm still taking it. Some symptoms are still there and mild but much better. I have changed my eating habits to try and help the symptoms. It has been an emotional journey; trying to keep up with the symptoms and changes in my body has been challenging. Accepting that I had to deal with premature menopause at this age has been hard, but being in a support group with other women going through the same challenges has been both educational and empowering. It has helped me to walk this journey without fear. Brain fog is still very much there, but I manage. I have to keep going; after all, I am still young…age and heart anyway.
(not real name)